"Let the Food be the Medicine, and Medicine be the Food." Those are famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of Western medicine.
Once the age exceeds the 30 number many changes happens in the human body. People in that age feels weakness in their body. But have you ever wondered how celebs manage to look stunning, even in their 50s? Because they feed their body right. Every body encountered some changes, because of that to remain fit is somewhat a challenge.
After 30 age one should always keep watch on their diet. Include fruit juices in diet. In that particularly include fruits like grapes or lemon. It helps to increase the immunity.
Include following things in your daily diet, this will not only decrease your weight but also decreases the chance of heart attack.
1. Brokoli
Brokoli is very good for health, it is source of vitamins. Brokoli helps to increase the immunity of body. Also the bones becomes stronger. Because of this you must include brokoli in your diet.
2. Garlic
Garlic improves the digestion also removes any stomach problems. With this garlic destroy the toxic microorganisms. It improves the immunity. Garlic removes the infection and destroys the stomach worms. Garlic contains the antioxidants that protects against cell damage and aging.
3. Oily Fish
Oily Fishes like Salmon and Traut are very helpful to our health. Cosumption of these fishes helps the body to produce the essential harmones. These fish also nutrious to brain and heart. Also fat and arterial cholesterol don't increase by eating garlic. Garlic reduces blood pressure. Human studies have found garlic supplements to have significant impact on reducing blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Oily fish contains omega-3 fatty acid in large amount, this benefits the body.
4. Dry fruits
Dry fruits helps to reduce weight. It contains proteins and fibers in large amount. This helps to keep the body healthy.
5. Honey
Honey has very ancient history. It is used since from last 5000 years as medicine. Honey is used as medicine for diseases. Honey has many anticeptic, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties. Honey also can be used in cosmetics in addition to health.
6. Chia seeds
These seeds have very nutrious properties. It includes fibers, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium in huge amount. Chia seeds also includes protein in large amount. Chia seeds helps to control the apetite. It includes the fibers in plenty of amount. Fibers is the component which helps to reduce the weight and it controls the weight. So include these chia seeds in your daily diet.
Include these foods in your diet.....Look young, glowing!!!
With these food also do these things daily to keep your skin young and glowing.
1. Skin Care Routine
If you want your skin to look good, without aging sign, wrinkle free, then you should include anti-aging skin care routine at early age of 25. Follow this simple routine.
Daily before sleeping do the cleansing of skin and wash it properly. After this apply alcohol free toner to the face.
Keep that toner on face for one minute to set and then apply anti-aging cream, massage it gently by hands.
2. Regular excercise
Only external remedies will not keep skin beautiful. For that your body has to be clean from inside also. When you do excercise and you sweat then body throw out toxins and it helps to make skin supple, glowing. Never forget to do excercise. Do any excercise like walking, yoga, cycling. Keep that in consistency.
3. Proper diet
Just by doing external treatments to skin doesn't keep skin texture in condition. So skin has to get nourishment from inside. Healthy diet provides that nourishment. Daily eat healthy. Include brokoli, garlic, warm water-lemon, honey, fresh fruits dry fruits, green vegetables in your diet. In addition to these take milk, ghee in proper amount. Avoid junk food, but if you eat it remember to do double excercise.
4. 7-8 hours sleep
Daily you must take 7-8 hours sleep. Because that helps body to get detox naturally. If body get detoxify then only skin remains beautiful.
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