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Sunday, October 10, 2021

Inventions That Changed The World

 These are some of the Inventions that has changed the world upside down.

1. Email

There was time when you had to write it on paper and post it to its intended recipient or may be use a fax machine.  Email is invented in 1978 by Shiva Ayyadurai and @ sign were used in primitive electronic communication systems.

2. System Engine

Have u thought that is there any a greater revolution than the Industrial Revolution and now, even though many things being taken over by electricity, the steam engine still remains an extremely important part of our world.

3. Airplane

This is the invention that people say has made the world smaller, and as the tech increases till now the word continuously becomes a "smaller" place.

4. Cell Phone

It is just like a normal phone only you can walk with it. Now this is the "Normal" phone. Now we can only assume the next one will be installed inside us, right?

5. Television

Now in this time many who are TV addict. Are you the sort of person who enjoys watching pictures move on a screen from the comfort of your very own living room! We've lucky to have TV .

6. Robots

Most robots builds for us and sort for us. Robots take up all the tedious tasks that save manufacuring  companies money. Wheather good or bad, it's progress, and it remains to be seen just how far that progress can take us. Robots did many complicated operations also very easily. 

7. Digital Camera

Thanks to this inventions, the world is now full of people who think they are a photographer. While we are not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, what we do know is that never has the art of photography been so prevalent.

8. ATM

This invention is becomes a major part of everyday life and we all know what there things exactly do. There's even two of them in Antarctica ( Seriously)

9. Printing Press

This invention was made un mid-1400 , so that newspapers could be most distributed, eventually changing the world in such a way that we have printers in our homes.

10. Anti-biotics

A giant step in field of medicine is the anti-biotics saved millions of lives by killing and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. It is Alexander Fleming who has made the first leap in anti- biotics.  It's use spread in early 20 century. Now cephalosporin and streptomycin  are used to fight nearly every known form of injection, malaria,  tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases.

11. Barcodes 

Whenever I heard this word it reminds me my exam time in early school days. Ther was a barcode system for exam papers. Nowadays barcodes are found on every material. By scanning this barcode price will get unlock.  



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