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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Bamboo is an eco-friendly alternative to plastic : Save our planet


Can bamboo replace the plastic?

Is bamboo an eco-friendly alternative or not? How much does it take to decompose? What products can be prepared from it?

How can bamboo save our planet?

 Bamboo is our planet’s fastest growing plant and grows up to 3 ft in a single day. Not many people are aware of it but bamboo releases 35% more oxygen in comparison to equivalent stand of other hard wood trees. Bamboo can be harvested in 1-5 years? Yes it’s true.  

Whereas hardwood like Oak can take up to 40 years for harvesting. Not only this the soil which gets infertile, bamboo can be grown in that too and can also regenerate soil.

Bamboo is one of the best renewable resources.  Deforestation is one of the biggest problem in the world right now. Every week, world’s 1 million acres of forest is destroyed because of deforestation.

The main reason for deforestation is our usage of wood and bamboo can replace wood almost everywhere like paper, furniture, charcoal, flooring and even building material can be replaced. Because bamboo fibers are stronger than wood fibers.

                                     (Stock photos)

Before purchasing any wood product, try bamboo as an alternative.  But what about plastic?

Actually bamboo can take up to 3 months to few years to decompose depending on the conditions whereas plastic can take up to 500-1000 years to decompose.  So for sure bamboo is a better alternative than plastic. We not surely say it can replace plastic but bamboo can reduce the usage of plastic. And there are already many products. If we take toothbrush how many people use toothbrush which are prepared by plastic and how much waste it creates every year. We use the toothbrush first thing in the morning which is made up of plastic. On an average, we use 4 toothbrushes in a year.  World population multiplied by 4. Just think how much count is that. All the waste will be there for 500 years. Shocking . Isn’t it? So, please replace your plastic toothbrush with bamboo toothbrush immediately. Bamboo toothbrush is easily available in the market.  If this toothbrush of plastic is replaced by bamboo toothbrush then it will be eco-friendly option.

( source: Shutterstock)

This is the first thing we should do. We all know that plastic disposables are used a lot. And recycling them is almost impossible.

(Source: Shutterstock)

 That is why bamboo disposables are made which decomposes in few months time. Straws 8.3 billion plastic straws are used which reaches the ocean and affect the marine life. Looking at this problem, dissolve in few months. 


Bamboo is replacing many other plastic products like In place of plastic bottles, bamboo bottles.

Bamboo Bottle 

In place of plastic tiffin, bamboo tiffin. Even this bamboo speaker. Tissues can also be made from bamboos. Everyday thousands of trees are cut just to make tissues and by using bamboo tissues from now.

Bamboo paper (Source:

 All these facts and figures prove that bamboo can reduce the waste and can save our planet. If we start using bamboo products, so much of our waste would be less. So let’s tell more people about it.

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